Saturday, February 14, 2015

Ice Trekking on Viedma Glacier

Thank you for coming back for the pictures which I will post for my recent trip to Patagonia.

And in this particular post, I will share with you the pictures that I took while we went ice trekking on the Viedma Glacier. Viedma Glacier is located close by to El Chalten, the trekking capital of Argentina.

A group of us, five in total, including our group leader reported to the office of the operator in the morning at 8 am. Then, we board the coach and proceed to the pier for the short boat ride across Viedma Lake to the Viedma Glacier. The bus journey took us about 40 minutes, and thereafter, it was another half an hour ride on the boat.

We were then split into groups to follow the guides for the ice trekking. Along the way, we were shown the different types of rocks found nearby the glacier. And after which, we followed the guide for the walk. We climbed a small ladder before stepping on the glacier. Then, we had to put on crampons before we proceeded.

The guide showed us the map, and then led us for our walk on the glacier. We had to step hard on the ice and it took a while to get used to it, as we walked down little slope and small uphill to higher level.

Overall, it was fun, and indeed an experience for all of us, who are wearing crampons to walk for the first time in our life.

Travelling to El Chalten.
You need to fly to El Calafate, from Buenos Aires, and then travel for about 3 hours by road before you arrive in El Chalten. There are many hostels, and some hotels located in this little town, which was really built for the purpose to support the needs of the various travellers or tourists coming here to have access to the trekking trails of the Patagonia in the Parque Nacional Los Glacieres (Glacier National Park, Argentina).

No prior experience required.
This is simply walking, and thus require no prior experience of whatsoever. Simply sign up and turn up at the operator's office. All is well taken care of. The duration of the walk is about 2 hours. And you need to pack some food for lunch as you will have time to eat before the boat come by to pick up everyone for the journey back to Chalten.

Booking of Flights and Hotels -
Rate Shrinker Technology - to ensure you get the best deal.

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